As someone who had a Tumblr, Livejournal and Kiwibox before that (does anyone remember that platform?), it was only a matter of time before I created a Substack.
Truth be told, I’ve had a lot of thoughts swirling around my head that I’ve been eager to share (or write) “out loud”. I’ve just avoided sitting down to put words to the feelings. I don’t really believe in procrastination or laziness, so maybe it’s hesitation masquerading as busyness, or that dreaded paralysis of perfectionism.
There’s also something about feeling “late to the game”. Every space feel so crowded right now. With so many brands and businesses vying for our attention.. is there even room for more noise? Do you need one more newsletter to subscribe to?
I talk myself out of a lot of things but this is something I want to do for myself, so I’m quieting the inner critic and pushing through the discomfort. I’ve been a professional writer for the past 10 years, and an amateur one before that. I have dozens of diaries and journals wedged into drawers and shoeboxes in my closet, and hundreds of half-written drafts saved in word docs and the notes app on my phone. I keep most of these thoughts to myself because they feel like fragments, unfinished, but sometimes you have to start creating in the real world and figure out the next steps along the way.
So in a bid to overcome my perfectionism, and as an exercise in self-discipline, I’m carving out a little space on the internet to explore personal reflections around my favorite topic: travel, and the myriad of things it touches.
And also… creativity, self development, writing, magic, courage, identity, culture. This is my personal place to reflect on things that inspire, challenge and excite me.
Let’s see where the journey leads!
Yay! I’m happy to find you on here🤍